Zero Waste Living > Every-Day  > Cheap / Free Date Night Ideas

Cheap / Free Date Night Ideas

As promised earlier this month, with our “No Spend Month “ in play, we have gotten creative with spending “date time “ together… Below are just a few of the Dates we have been on during this month & it’s been SO much fun珞

  • Star Gazing…  Star Walk 2 App $4.99, this app I already owned & hadn’t used, it was incredible sitting on the beach at sunset, watching the stars come out & being able to aim my phones camera at the stars & learn all about them Waterfall Hikes.. take a thermos of coffee or a packed lunch – sun, fresh air, exercise & nature
  • Foraging in local woodland areas for flowers / firewood/pine cones can be fun together, we did this down at our local creek & bought our findings back for our backyard fire pit
  • Be a tourist in your home town – visit all the free historical sites, you just might learn a thing or two – make a day of it, pack snacks, water & head out to discover your own town
  • Take a walk along the water – whatever water is near you – make out like you did when you were first dating, it’s exhilarating
  • Make dinner, pack it up & take it to your local park/beach/lookout
  • Set up a romantic dinner at home, I’m talking candles, table cloth, music (no tv!) Cook your spouse’s /partners favourite dish – you’ll be the favourite for weeks to come
  • Check your local library for free classes you can take together, learn a new skill, laugh with each other while trying
  • Plan an adventure date where you give your other half clues that they have to figure out in order to move to the next destination – this can be a couple of hours long or all day long depending on what you’d like to do or how adventurous you want to get
  • Check out your local paper for weekend events, our area normally has at least 3 free events on each weekend
  • Set up a day spa in your own living room, warm candle light

Hope this has helped some of you, it’s all about thinking outside the box of consumerism & having fun while doing it… Time for a change of mindset in our society

